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Ayam Goreng Berempah by Fizah

Ayam Goreng Berempah by Fizah

Literally translated from Malay, ayam goreng berempah means ‘spiced fried chicken’. Infused with a mix of herbs and spices, this fried chicken dish is incredibly crunchy, juicy and accompanied with heaps of crispy addictive crumbs.

Ayam Goreng Berempah
Ayam Goreng Berempah

2kg chicken leg quarters

Curry leaves.

Rempah Kari Daging Babas

Chili powder Babas

Rice flour 1 spoons

Spice Paste:

5 cloves garlic

100g galangal, crushed

2 stalks lemongrass, crushed

2 pcs of red onion

2cm ginger

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tbsp coriander seeds, fennel, and cumin seeds.

1 tsp salt to taste

Blend into coarsely

Coating the chicken:

Blend the spice paste ingredients in an electric mill into coarsely and set aside.

Place chicken and the entire blend ingredients into a large pot mixed with rempah kari daging, chili

powder & rice flour, and salt to taste.

Keep overnight in the chiller submerged in the broth to allow the flavors to infuse into the meat.

Heat cooking oil to medium and fry the chicken until crispy and light golden.

Remove from heat and drain excess oil on paper towels.

Into the hot oil, add salt and fry the curry leaves until crispy, then remove from oil.

Serve the chicken.

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